
Showing posts from April, 2023

It's 2023, Why Are Schools Still Segregated?

 Why Are Schools Still Segregated? By: Alex Martinez           We are in the year 2023. So many advancements in technology, new ideas, and so many opportunities. However, we still have some of the same issues that have been lingering for way too long. One of the predominant issues is the segregation of our schools. Now you might be asking yourself, "how come we still have segregated schools I thought we got rid of segregation already". Well it is still a huge issue for a disappointing reason. Basically why we still have segregated schools is due to the segregation of neighborhoods. We have segregated neighborhoods due to the fact that way back when policy holders made it so that white neighborhoods stayed white and wealthy while minorities were designated certain places to live to keep them poor with low property value. So, since these neighborhoods are segregated when schools were built, even after schools were desegregated, the schools were built in different neighborhoods.