
It's 2023, Why Are Schools Still Segregated?

 Why Are Schools Still Segregated? By: Alex Martinez           We are in the year 2023. So many advancements in technology, new ideas, and so many opportunities. However, we still have some of the same issues that have been lingering for way too long. One of the predominant issues is the segregation of our schools. Now you might be asking yourself, "how come we still have segregated schools I thought we got rid of segregation already". Well it is still a huge issue for a disappointing reason. Basically why we still have segregated schools is due to the segregation of neighborhoods. We have segregated neighborhoods due to the fact that way back when policy holders made it so that white neighborhoods stayed white and wealthy while minorities were designated certain places to live to keep them poor with low property value. So, since these neighborhoods are segregated when schools were built, even after schools were desegregated, the schools were built in different neighborhoods.

How Does Gender Affect the Teaching Profession?

 How Does Gender Affect the Teaching Profession? By: Alex Martinez        The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about gender in the teaching profession would firstly have to be the gender of teachers and faculty. In my own experience most of my teachers growing up in public education, were females. It was not until middle school that I had a male teacher in the classroom. After listening to the Harvard EdCast with Jennie Weiner, I noticed that all her points were pretty accurate. On the podcast there was discussion on how the field of academia of teaching roles was predominantly females but roles such as higher administrative positions, like superintendents and principals were mostly males. This discussion began my thinking, and I have made the realization that this was exactly the case. As a male in this field, I have multiple classes already where I am the only male, these classes are all elementary education courses. So why is this the case and why are men allowed leaders

Whose Stories are Told and Whose Remain in the Margins?

  Whose Stories are Told and Whose Remain in the Margin? Alex Martinez January 22, 2023          After reviewing week six and the definition of a marginalized person, which can be defined as, "a person on the margins of a situation or group has very little power, importance, or influence on the fringes." A marginalized person lacks power, importance, or influence because of the way they identify in society. A very bland example of a marginalized person would be a very poor person in a society of the very wealthy. This person is marginalized because of their economic status being less than those around them this gives them a lower stance in society.      A marginalized person is not always between the rich and the poor but rather other circumstances that have less opportunity than other groups. A large example of this is between white and minority students as sometimes being a white American lead to more opportunities for power and influence while as sometimes being a minority

What is the Purpose of Public Schools?

Alex Martinez January 25, 2023      Since school takes apart in almost everyone's life across the United States it is important to ask the question as to what is the purpose of school and more specifically what is the purpose for public schools? In my opinion the purpose for public schools has a couple of answers such as improving our future generation, socialization and interaction among students, opportunities, and future skills. What I mean by this is, to improve the future generation I believe that school provides for students to grow and learn how to be a functioning member of society. Socialization and interaction are also a huge part of how school is important because as humans we are social creature and in school, we learn how to make friends, communicate and cooperate with others, as well as it provides health benefits because if students were to be isolated, depression becomes more apparent as well as the immune system will not be as strong if immunities are not being bui

Why Teach? - Alex Martinez

January 20, 2023      Hello, my name is Alex Martinez, this is currently my first year at Texas State University where I am an elementary education major. I realized that I wanted to become an educator around my junior year in high school, and ever since then I knew that I wanted to have an impact on students' lives. Both my parents are educators in the high school setting, they actually teach at the high school where I went. So really my parents are by best motivators for why I would like to become a teacher. My dad currently teaches health and is a head tennis coach and my mom is a college and career readiness advisor. Getting to see them do what I want to do in the future has really helped me understand that teaching is the right path for me and that a student's life can change for the better with the right influences in their life.      Firstly, in my career I hope to become a 4th or 5th grade math teacher while also hoping to achieve my master's degree. I eventually wo