Why Teach? - Alex Martinez

January 20, 2023 

    Hello, my name is Alex Martinez, this is currently my first year at Texas State University where I am an elementary education major. I realized that I wanted to become an educator around my junior year in high school, and ever since then I knew that I wanted to have an impact on students' lives. Both my parents are educators in the high school setting, they actually teach at the high school where I went. So really my parents are by best motivators for why I would like to become a teacher. My dad currently teaches health and is a head tennis coach and my mom is a college and career readiness advisor. Getting to see them do what I want to do in the future has really helped me understand that teaching is the right path for me and that a student's life can change for the better with the right influences in their life. 

    Firstly, in my career I hope to become a 4th or 5th grade math teacher while also hoping to achieve my master's degree. I eventually would like to move to the high school setting to follow after my parents especially my mom because she was an elementary math teach so I hope to follow in her footsteps. Then when I start teaching in high school, hopefully algebra, I would like to coach basketball like my dad did when I played in school. Finally, the reason I want to get my master's degree is to maybe become a principal or administrator one day in the future. I have had the opportunity to have many great teachers even my parents, so one day I hope to be a positive influence on kid's lives like many teachers had on me.


  1. Hi and welcome to you, Alex. How nice to have both parents as educators. You are so lucky to have them as models to help you see the positive influence of teachers.It is nice to see that you have some clearly defined goals for yourself.


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